
linalg.pca(X, d=2, center=True, coords=True)

Projects X onto a d-dimensional linear subspace via Principal Component Analysis.

PCA is a linear dimensionality reduction algorithm that projects a point set X onto a lower dimensional space using an orthogonal projector built from the eigenvalue decomposition of its covariance matrix.


Name Type Description Default
X ArrayLike (n x D) point cloud / design matrix of n points in D dimensions. required
d int dimension of the embedding to produce. 2
center bool whether to center the data prior to computing eigenvectors. Defaults to True. True
coords bool whether to return the embedding or the eigenvectors. Defaults to the embedding. True


Type Description
Union[np.ndarray, tuple] if coords = True (default), returns the projection of X onto the largest d eigenvectors of Xs covariance matrix. Otherwise, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors can be returned as-is.


PCA is dual to CMDS in the sense that the embedding produced by CMDS on the Euclidean distance matrix from X satisfies the same reconstruction loss as with PCA. In particular, when X comes from Euclidean space, the output of pca(…) will match the output of cmds(…) exactly up to rotation and translation.


import numpy as np 
from geomcover.linalg import pca, cmds

## Start with a random set of points in R^3 + its distance matrix
X = np.random.uniform(size=(50,3))
D = np.linalg.norm(X - X[:,np.newaxis], axis=2)

## Note that CMDS takes as input *squared* distances
Y_pca = pca(X, d=2)
Y_mds = cmds(D**2, d=2)

## Get distance matrices for both embeddings
Y_pca_D = np.linalg.norm(Y_pca - Y_pca[:,np.newaxis], axis=2)
Y_mds_D = np.linalg.norm(Y_mds - Y_mds[:,np.newaxis], axis=2)

## Up to rotation and translation, the coordinates are identical
all_close = np.allclose(Y_pca_D, Y_mds_D)
print(f"PCA and MDS coord. distances identical? {all_close}")
PCA and MDS coord. distances identical? True