
cluster.mean_shift(P, Q=None, kernel='gaussian', bandwidth='scott', batch=25, maxiter=300, atol=1.1920929e-06, blur=False, callback=None)

Mean shift algorithm for clustering or smoothing points via kernel density estimation.

This functions repeatedly mean shifts points P with respect to reference points Q, returning the shifted points. If Q is not supplied the shift points are shifted w.r.t P, or the shift points themselves if blur = True, until either maxiter iterations is reached the distance shifted is less than atol (elementwise), whichever comes first.


Name Type Description Default
P np.ndarray points to shift, given as a 2d np.array. required
Q Optional[np.ndarray] reference points to shift P with respect to. Defaults to P itself. None
kernel Union[str, Callable] kernel function to use. Only “gaussian” is supported for now. 'gaussian'
bandwidth Union[str, float, Callable] smoothing parameter for the kernel. 'scott'
batch int number of points to apply the shift to at once. See details. 25
maxiter Optional[float] maximum number of times to apply a the shift to a point. Can be None or np.inf to 300
atol float absolute tolerance with which to consider a point as converged between iterations. 1.1920929e-06
blur bool whether to apply the blurring mean shift operation. See details. False
callback Optional[Callable] callable to execute after each iteration. None


Type Description
np.ndarray ndarray of shift points with the same dimensions as P.