
cover.set_cover_rr(subsets, weights=None, maxiter=None, sparsity=1.0, seed=None)

Approximates the weighted set cover problem via randomized rounding.

This function first computes a minimum-cost fractional set cover whose solution lower-bounds the optimal solution, then uses randomized rounding to produce a sequence of solutions whose objectives slightly increase this bound, continuing until a feasible solution is found.

The minimum-cost fractional cover is obtained by solving the following linear program:

\[\begin{align*}\text{minimize} \quad & \sum\limits_{j \in [J]} s_j \cdot w_j \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & \sum\limits_{j \in N_i} s_j \geq 1, \quad \forall \, i \in [n] \\ & s_j \in [0, 1], \quad \forall \, j \in [J]\end{align*}\]

where \(s_j \in [0, 1]\) is a real number indicating the strength of the membership \(S_j \in \mathcal{S}\) and \(N_i\) represents the subsets of \(S\) that the element \(x_i\) intersects. The randomized rounding procedure iteratively adds sets \(S_j\) with probability \(c \cdot s_j\) until a feasible cover is found.

If not supplied, maxiter defaults to \((2 / c) \log(n)\) where \(c\) is given by the sparsity argument. Supplying sparsity values lower than 1 allows choosing fewer subsets per iteration, which can result in sparser or lower weight covers at the cost of more iterations.


Name Type Description Default
subsets sparray (n x J) sparse matrix of J subsets whose union forms a cover over n points. required
weights Optional[ArrayLike] (J)-length array of subset weights. None
maxiter Optional[int] number of iterations to repeat the sampling process. See details. None
sparsity float constant used to emphasize sparsity between (0, 1]. See details. 1.0
seed Optional[int] seed for the random number generator. Use an integer for deterministic computation. None


Type Description
tuple pair (s, c) where s is an array indicating cover membership and c its cost.

See Also


This function requires subsets to be a sparse matrix in canonical CSC form.
If subsets is not in this form, a copy of the subsets is converted first; to avoid this for maximum performance, ensure the subset   matrix is in canonical form first.


from geomcover.cover import set_cover_rr
from import load_set_cover

subsets, weights = load_set_cover("mushroom")
soln, cost = set_cover_rr(subsets, weights)
n, J = subsets.shape

print("Set family with {n} elements and {J} sets can be covered with {np.sum(soln)} sets with cost {cost}.")
Set family with {n} elements and {J} sets can be covered with {np.sum(soln)} sets with cost {cost}.