
trace.hutch(A, fun=None, maxiter=200, deg=20, atol=None, rtol=None, stop=['confidence', 'change'], ncv=2, orth=0, quad='golub_welsch', confidence=0.95, pdf='rademacher', rng='pcg64', seed=-1, num_threads=0, verbose=False, info=False, plot=False, **kwargs)

Estimates the trace of a symmetric A or matrix function f(A) via a Girard-Hutchinson estimator.

This function uses up to maxiter random isotropic vectors to estimate of the trace of f(A), where: \mathrm{tr}(f(A)) = \mathrm{tr}(U f(\Lambda) U^T) = \sum\limits_{i=1}^n f(\lambda_i) The estimator is obtained by averaging quadratic forms v \mapsto v^T f(A)v, rescaling as necessary. This estimator may be used to quickly approximate of a variety of quantities, such as the trace inverse, the log-determinant, the numerical rank, etc. See the online documentation for more details.


Convergence behavior is controlled by the stop parameter: “confidence” uses the central limit theorem to generate confidence intervals on the fly, which may be used in conjunction with atol and rtol to upper-bound the error of the approximation. Alternatively, when stop = “change”, the estimator is considered converged when the error between the last two iterates is less than atol (or rtol, respectively), similar to the behavior of scipy.integrate.quadrature.


Name Type Description Default
A ndarray, sparray, or LinearOperator real symmetric operator. required
fun str or typing.Callable real-valued function defined on the spectrum of A. "identity"
maxiter int Maximum number of random vectors to sample for the trace estimate. 10
deg int Degree of the quadrature approximation. Must be at least 1. 20
atol float Absolute tolerance to signal convergence for early-stopping. See notes. None
rtol float Relative tolerance to signal convergence for early-stopping. See notes. 1e-2
stop str Early-stopping criteria to test estimator convergence. See details. "confidence"
ncv int Number of Lanczos vectors to allocate. Must be at least 2. 2
orth int Number of additional Lanczos vectors to orthogonalize against. Must be less than ncv. 0
quad str Method used to obtain the weights of the Gaussian quadrature. See notes. 'golub_welsch'
confidence float Confidence level to consider estimator as converged. Only used when stop = “confidence”. 0.95
pdf ‘rademacher’, ‘normal’ Choice of zero-centered distribution to sample random vectors from. 'rademacher'
rng ‘splitmix64’, ’xoshiro256**‘, ’pcg64’, ‘mt64’ Random number generator to use. 'splitmix64'
seed int Seed to initialize the rng entropy source. Set seed > -1 for reproducibility. -1
num_threads int Number of threads to use to parallelize the computation. Set to <= 0 to let OpenMP decide. 0
plot bool If true, plots the samples of the trace estimate along with their convergence characteristics. False
info bool If True, returns a dictionary containing all relevant information about the computation. False
kwargs dict additional key-values to parameterize the chosen function ‘fun’. {}


Type Description
typing.Union[float, tuple] Estimate the trace of f(A). If info = True, additional information about the computation is also returned.


To compute the weights of the quadrature, quad can be set to either ‘golub_welsch’ or ‘fttr’. The former (GW) uses implicit symmetric QR steps with Wilkinson shifts, while the latter (FTTR) uses the explicit expression for orthogonal polynomials. While both require O(\mathrm{deg}^2) time to execute, the former requires O(\mathrm{deg}^2) space but is highly accurate, while the latter uses only O(1) space at the cost of stability. If deg is large, fttr is preferred.

See Also

lanczos : the lanczos tridiagonalization algorithm.


  1. Ubaru, S., Chen, J., & Saad, Y. (2017). Fast estimation of tr(f(A)) via stochastic Lanczos quadrature. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 38(4), 1075-1099.
  2. Hutchinson, Michael F. “A stochastic estimator of the trace of the influence matrix for Laplacian smoothing splines.” Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 18.3 (1989): 1059-1076.