Function reference


lanczos Lanczos method for symmetric tridiagonalization.
rayleigh_ritz Rayleigh-Ritz approximations of the eigenvalues of A can be further obtained by diagonalizing T via any


quadrature Compute the Gaussian quadrature rule of a tridiagonal Jacobi matrix.


hutch Estimates the trace of a symmetric A via the Girard-Hutchinson estimator.
hutchpp Hutch++ estimator.
xtrace Estimates the trace of A using the XTrace estimator.


diag Estimates the diagonal of a symmetric A via the Girard-Hutchinson estimator.
xdiag Estimates the diagonal of A using m / 2 matrix-vector multiplications.


MatrixFunction Linear operator class for matrix functions.
Toeplitz Matrix-free operator for representing Toeplitz or circulant matrices.
normalize_unit Normalizes a linear operator to have its spectra contained in the interval [-1,1].


isotropic Generates random vectors from a specified isotropic distribution.
symmetric Generates a random symmetric matrix of size n with eigenvalues ew.
haar Generates a random matrix with prescribed eigenvalues by sampling uniformly from the orthogonal group O(n).


Estimator Protocol for generic updateable estimator for sequences.
MeanEstimator Sample mean estimator with stable covariance updating.
ConvergenceCriterion Generic lazy-evaluated stopping criteria for sequences.
CountCriterion Convergence criterion that returns TRUE when above a given count.
ConfidenceCriterion Parameterizes an expected value estimator that checks convergence of a sample mean within a confidence interval using the CLT.


Covariance Updateable covariance matrix.
confidence_interval Confidence intervals for the sample mean of a set of measurements.