Sets the map, or filter, to associate with the instance
filter | either the filter name to use, a matrix, or a function. See details. |
... | additional parameters to pass to the filter function. |
must be either a matrix of coordinate values, a function that returns a matrix of
coordinate values, or one of the following predefined filters:
PC Principle components (with prcomp
IC Independent components (with fastICA
ECC Eccentricity (internal, change the norm by passing one of \(p\) = [1, 2, Inf])
KDE Kernel Density Estimate (with kde
DTM Distance to measure (with dtm
MDS Classic (Metric) Multidimensional Scaling (with cmdscale
ISOMAP Isometric feature mapping (with isomap
LE Laplacian Eigenmaps (with geigen
UMAP Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (with umap
Nearly all the pre-configured filters essentially call functions in other packages with
somewhat reasonable default parameters to perform the mapping. Any parameters supplied to ...
are passed to the corresponding package function linked above, which override any default parameters.
If the package needed to compute the filter is not installed, a prompt is given asking the user
whether they would like to install it.
NOTE: The predefined filters are meant to be used for exploratory or illustrative purposes only---this function
is not meant to act as a comprensive interface to the functions each filter corresponds too.