Exports a UnionFind data structure exposed as an Rcpp Module.




the size of the disjoint set


A queryable disjoint-set structure.


UnionFind, also called a disjoint-set, is a data structure that allows efficient tracking and unioning of elements in terms of connected components. To use the structure, instantiate it with a given (fixed) size of components, and then union or find as needed. This implementation uses path compression to speed up successive find operations.


  • union Unions two elements together.

  • union_all Unions all the elements in a given vector together.

  • find Find which components a given element is associated with. If the elements given doesn't exist, -1 is returned.

  • find_all Finds which component each element in a given vector is associated with. If the elements given doesn't exist, -1 is returned.

  • print Prints the connected components.

  • connected_components Retrieves the connected components as a integer vector.


Tarjan, Robert Endre. "Efficiency of a good but not linear set union algorithm." Journal of the ACM (JACM) 22.2 (1975): 215-225.